They will be placed on the Internet websites of each organization and in local media
Name – Abbreviation: Centro Especifico de Educacion a Distancia Valencia – CEED Address: C/Misericordia 34 ES-Spain, 46014, Valencia Telephone: 034963794362 Email: [email protected]
PROJECT TITLE: Together Towards Integration – Key Competences for Adults PROJECT ACRONYM: Togehter towards Integration Project description The main objective of this grant application is developing chosen, essential Key Competences among low-skilled adults threatened by social exclusion by direct work with them, as well with piloting group of adults’ trainers. The goal is to enhance adults to integration and be the active members of EU community, as well as to create common educational program (to be used by trainers) including methods and tools useful in order to learn low- killed adults selected Key Competences – Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council, of , on key competences for lifelong learning [Official Journal L 394 of ], namely: – interpersonal, intercultural, social and civic competences; – entrepreneurship. Our aim is to organize cycle of workshops and seminars for adults, that are low skilled and at the same time threatened by social exclusion in each partner’s country, as well as to exchange experiences and good practices between Partners, trainers and learners. Read more